Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

How to Save Money on Electricity

How to Save Money on Electricity

In the time when almost everything in our house powered by electricity the bill for electricity become one of the priciest expense each month. Many look for tips on how to save money on electricity but many are still failing with their electric bill still soaring up. To help you tackle the problem here we will provide you with some effective tips on how to save money onelectricity which actually works, here is the tips:
  1. The first tips to decrease your electric bill is to renegotiate for better electricity rate to service provider or find another one with better rate. You can also use your most electric consuming devices on the off-peak time when the rate is lower.
  2. The second tips on how to save money on electricity is to use energy efficient appliances and devices. Always check on the stand-by electricity consumption of the device and make sure it has Energy star label for it energy efficiency. This energy efficient device might slightly more expensive when you buy it than the usual one but it will save you a lot of money on the long run.
  3. The third tips are to always switch off your devices when you are not using them. Don’t be lazy to unplug or even turn off your PC or TV before you sleep.
  4. Use energy consumers device on your house effectively and efficiently, for example:
    • PC and Notebook: set the PC into energy saving modes from the windows operating system and also the BIOS setting page. You also should enable “Hibernation” mode on your Windows-running notebook.
    • Don’t use clothes dryer unless you really have to. Use laundry line to dry your wet clothes.
    • Refrigerator: Set the refrigerator in the coolest place on your home to make the cooling process more efficient. Always make sure the refrigerator’s door closed nicely after you open it and always defrost whenever layer of ice present.
There are some tips on how to save money on electricity from us. The key on having economical energy bill is to be as discipline as possible in energy usage. Don’t be lazy to look for more efficient way to use your electricity-consuming devices.

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